Online Sales Terms and Conditions
By "online" sales contract we mean the distance contract, that is the legal transaction concerning movable property and / or services stipulated between a supplier, I COLTELLI DELL'ARTIGIANO SNC with registered office Via Roma, 77 - 50038 Scarperia (FLORENCE ) Tuscany - Italy, and a consumer customer in the context of a distance selling system organized by the supplier who, for this contract, uses the distance communication technology called "internet". All contracts, therefore, will be concluded directly through access by the consumer customer to this website, where, following the indicated procedures, he will conclude the contract for the purchase of the goods. By final consumer we mean the natural person who purchases goods and services for purposes not directly related to any professional activity carried out. Below are the conditions of sale that will remain effective until changed by the supplier. Any changes to the conditions of sale will be effective from the moment they are published on the website and will refer to sales made from that moment on.
All sales prices of the products displayed and indicated on the website, for which they constitute an offer to the public pursuant to art. 1336 of the Italian Civil Code, are inclusive of I.V.A. and any other tax (unless otherwise indicated). All product prices are valid exclusively in the Italian territory. The cost of transport is free (unless otherwise indicated); in case of delivery abroad, the consumer will be responsible for any additional costs due to taxes or duties provided for by the legislation in force in the country of destination. The purchase contract is finalized through the exact compilation and the consent to the purchase expressed through the accession given "online". The customer can pay for the ordered goods using only the payment methods indicated online at the time of purchase.
I COLTELLI DELL’ARTIGIANO SNC will deliver the selected and ordered products to customers, in the manner referred to in the previous article, by couriers and / or trusted freight forwarders. In case of absence of the recipient at the time of delivery, a notice will be left and the customer must personally contact the courier or forwarder as soon as possible in order to agree on the delivery methods. Delivery times, which will never exceed, in any case, those provided for by art. 6 Decr. Legisl. 185/1999 (30 days from the date of the order), may vary from the day of the order to a maximum of fifteen working days. The aforementioned delivery times refer to the products in stock at the time of the order. Delivery will be made by the carriers at the road level. However, no responsibility can be attributed to the supplier for delayed or non-delivery due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.
The customer can purchase the products indicated in the electronic catalog prepared, in the necessary quantities. Should an order exceed the quantity existing in the warehouse, the computer system will nevertheless accept the purchase and the Customer will eventually be notified of the expected supply times. The delivery of products purchased on the online catalog can take place at existing addresses in Italy and abroad. In the event of particular transport logistical difficulties (quantities and / or means used), any surcharge on transport will be communicated. In the case of acceptance of the order, I COLTELLI DELL’ARTIGIANO SNC will deliver what is requested by express courier, to the address indicated on the order form. The normal delivery times, for the Italian territory, foresee the variable delivery of 3/8 days. working from the time of shipment of the order (weekends and holidays are not to be considered in the calculation of delivery times). Those who live on the islands, in a peripheral area on Italian territory, and abroad, however, will have to consider the need for additional days to be normal. In any case, the times indicated as delivery terms cannot be considered binding for I COLTELLI DELL’ARTIGIANO SNC.
I COLTELLI DELL'ARTIGIANO SNC assumes no responsibility for inefficiencies attributable to force majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and / or lockouts, thefts, earthquakes, floods and other similar events that prevented, in whole or in part, to execute the contract within the agreed time. I COLTELLI DELL’ARTIGIANO SNC will not be liable to any party for damages, losses and costs incurred as a result of the non-execution of the contract for the reasons mentioned above, as the consumer is only entitled to a refund of the price paid. Likewise, it is not responsible for any fraudulent or illegal use that may be made by third parties, of credit cards, checks and other means of payment, upon payment of the purchased products.
I COLTELLI DELL’ARTIGIANO SNC manufactures and markets high quality articles by hand and all products are covered by the original Italian manufacturer's guarantee (minimum validity 24 months, pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/02). Therefore, keep the sales invoice or receipt attached to the product. The exact warranty terms are illustrated in the attached document inside the package. For items not produced directly by I COLTELLI DELL'ARTIGIANO SNC, this service is generally provided directly by the manufacturers of the goods sold, but, if the customer prefers, he can choose to be assisted by I COLTELLI DELL'ARTIGIANO SNC by any means, in the phases of the return and management of the return under warranty. Any transport costs will be charged to the customer. In any case, the reference legislation and the methods of application of the guarantee is the one indicated and highlighted by the manufacturer in its certificate, always attached to the product. The information contained in the product data sheets is provided by the manufacturer. For items not directly produced by I COLTELLI DELL’ARTIGIANO SNC, the same declines all responsibility in the event of inaccuracies in the product specifications or in the documentation. For items made by hand with parts in natural materials such as horn or wood, it is not possible to guarantee that the product you will receive will be the same in color, veins and flames as that displayed in the illustrative photographs of the product.
The consumer undertakes and undertakes, once the "on line" purchase procedure has been completed, to print and keep these general conditions, which, moreover, he will have already viewed and accepted as an obligatory step in the purchase, as well as of the specifications of the product being purchased, and this in order to fully satisfy the condition of art. 3 and 4 of the Decr. Legisl. n ° 185/1999. It is strictly forbidden for the buyer to enter false and / or invented and / or fictional data in the registration procedure necessary to activate the procedure for the execution of this contract and related further communications for him; the personal data and the e-mail address must be exclusively their real personal data and not those of third parties, or of fantasy. It is expressly forbidden to make double registrations corresponding to a single person or to enter data of third parties. I COLTELLI DELL’ARTIGIANO SNC reserves the right to legally pursue any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers.
The consumer who for any reason is not satisfied with the purchase made, has the right to withdraw from the stipulated contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 10 working days for the goods from the day of their receipt. The withdrawal must be expressed by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the aforementioned period of 10 days to the following address:
Via Roma, 77 – 50038 Scarperia (FIRENZE) Toscana – Italia
Partita IVA e Cod. Fiscale: 05748700480
Telefono e Fax: +39 0558430519
An e-mail or a fax can be sent within the same period, followed by the aforementioned registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt confirming the expressed withdrawal within 48 hours. The consumer cannot exercise this right of withdrawal for products made to measure or clearly personalized or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly. Within the aforementioned term of 10 days, all purchased goods must be returned to the sender-supplier intact and in their original packaging and any manuals, without any lack. Return fees will be charged to the customer. Once the goods have been received, I COLTELLI DELL'ARTIGIANO SNC will forward the entire amount paid by the consumer within thirty days, with bank money in any case not exceeding the fifteenth working day starting from the date of receipt of the communication of withdrawal. It will be the consumer's responsibility to promptly provide the bank details on which to obtain the transfer (IBAN code of the invoice holder).
I COLTELLI DELL’ARTIGIANO SNC has the right to terminate the stipulated contract by simply notifying the customer with adequate and justified reasons; in this case, the customer will only be entitled to a refund of any sum already assumed and paid.
Personal data is collected for the purpose of registering the customer and activating the procedures for the execution of this contract and the related necessary communications towards him; these data are processed electronically in compliance with the laws in force and may be exhibited only at the request of the judicial authority or other authorities authorized by law for this purpose. Personal data will be used for the performance of the activities necessary for the execution of the stipulated contract and to issue regular sales invoices. The interested party enjoys the rights under the GDPR EU 2016/679 (Privacy Code), namely: to ask for confirmation of the existence of their personal data; to know their origin, logic and purpose of their treatment; to obtain its updating, rectification and integration; to request its cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking in case of unlawful processing. Owner and manager of the collection and processing of personal data is:
Via Roma, 77 – 50038 Scarperia (FIRENZE) Toscana – Italia
Partita IVA e Cod. Fiscale: 05748700480
Telefono e Fax: +39 0558430519
Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of purchase contracts stipulated "online" through this site is subject to Italian jurisdiction; these general conditions are reported, although not expressly provided therein, in conjunction with legislative decree no.50 of 15.1.1992 and legislative decree no.185 of 22.5.1999. For any dispute between the parties regarding this contract, the place of residence of the final consumer will be competent. For all the others the Forum of Florence.